
Jon T Pants is home

So, Jon is home...It took me awhile to Post about it, cuz I'm so lazy. And in honor of him being home, I decided to change the background of the Blog. (until I get bored with it) I hope all of you winners of our 'Homemade Giveaway' all got your Prizes and that you pay it forward to someone else!


nurselynn said...

Thanks for my prize!! It's wonderful and I'm using it already. I'm not going to say what it is..because I don't want anyone to be jealous!
I like the new background. Very colorful and suits you & Jon.

Anonymous said...

Hey, I got my prize also! Thank you very much. I wore it yesterday and even got a compliment on it. Alright Lynn, I will try not to be lazy and pay it forward soon!