
Jon T Pants is home

So, Jon is home...It took me awhile to Post about it, cuz I'm so lazy. And in honor of him being home, I decided to change the background of the Blog. (until I get bored with it) I hope all of you winners of our 'Homemade Giveaway' all got your Prizes and that you pay it forward to someone else!


It's Springtime.

It's Springy/Rainy season and everything is growing...The grass, the weeds and even the Redbull! He's growing up to be a VERY big boy.

As soon as G.I. Jon got home from his TDY 'play golf, eat Sonny's everyday, shuck oysters trip', He got right to work, lifting the Redbull. He lifted it 3 inches and put some big Mud trompn' tires on it. Once he gets the shocks and whatnot on it, it'll be 7 1/2 inches taller.


Under Fire!

This afternoon, a strange thing happened. I was sitting in the living room, reading a book and it was nice and quiet. Until, I heard this crazy noise. I thought for sure our neighborhood was under attack, it sounded like machine gun fire!! (okay I may watch too many movies) I heard it really loud , so I got up to look out the window, but there was no one outside..nothing around. I thought I was just hearing things, so I went back to sit down and it happened again! I turned around to look outside again and still no one! So I went looking around the house, in different rooms, out different windows and that's when I saw the culprit. A Wood Pecker! He had been up on our chimney trying to peck on our antenna. That's why it sounded like machine gun fire! I caught him going after our tree in the front yard.


Good News Guys...

Guess what they have at Hardee's?! I'm just sooo excited I can't handle it!

To our Mom's

When I saw this I thought of my Mom..And then I thought of Jon's Mom, cuz I know Jon was a naughty-handful too...So I'm dedicating this to both of them. Thanks for all the nagging...see how well we turned out?


My 'fake' friends

My mom sent me a link to this web-site...I guess she thinks I need more friends? Whateves! I think she thought since I have fake boyfriends that I need some Real friends. Well, MOM, I'll have you know I have lots of 'Real' friends...Last night I went to my friend Angela's house for dinner, the night before I went to my neighbor friend Alice's house for dinner, Tuesday I had a lunch date with my swim class friends and tonight I'm going to dinner at my friends the Tripples house. SO THERE!
And furthermore, what is with all these people having me over for dinner? Do they think I'm gonna starve with Jon gone? Who exactly do they think cooks around here?! I think Jon may have called all my friends and ward members before he left, to make sure they keep me busy and out of trouble...he may be in cahoots with my Mom.
And further-furthermore, Jon called me from Sonny's again last night. What's up with that?! That's just wrong on sooo many levels! He knows my love for their ribs and cornbread!


Neapolitan, cuz three flavors are better than one.

Here at our Blog, we aim to please. So when you ask questions, we've got answers (if I like the question) Christy (an avid reader) was asking about Transporter 3... So of course I had to address this. I mean come on it's a question about my guy... Jason Statham.
Okay, first of all if you don't know who Jason Statham is, WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN, AND HOW DO YOU NOT KNOW WHO THIS MAN IS?! This man is the Strawberry in my Neapolitan of Boyfriends. The Vanilla being Paul Walker and the Chocolate is obviously Vin Diesel. No need to freak out, Jon's fully aware of my boyfriends. You may not be though, so I've taken the liberty of adding movie previews with my guys in action:


I couldn't decide which Vin Diesel movie was my favorite..cuz they're ALL awesome, but this one is a classic!
So to answer your question Christy, It was a awesome movie!
FYI...I like car chases!
P.S. just to be fair to Jon, maybe soon we will do a post on his Girlfriend...stay tuned.
P.P.S. I am making prizes for all you winners...I should be mailing them out soon, so I need an address for Maury and one for Christy. e-mail me (imaskywalker@hotmail.com)


Soooo many things to do...

So while Jon's gone, I'm sure you're thinking that I'm sitting around in my PJ's eating popcorn and watching movies ( mom ) ...Well, you are only partly right. I haven't eaten any popcorn so there! And just so you know I ALWAYS sit around in my PJ's even when Jon's here... That's why he loves me, cuz I'm a low maintenance PJ wearing, pony tail sporting type a girl...(for the record I DO NOT go out in public in said PJ's, unless it's to go through the drive-thru, but never to Wal-Mart rocking my slippers. I do have some class!) But yes I have been watching Movies, all the cool sequels that Jon hates like Hell boy 2, Narnia 2, Transporter 3, Mummy 3 ...you know all the good stuff.
Anyway, to get back to my busy schedule. Yesterday The Tom Tom and I went up to Durham, to check the Williford's Mail. (since Tommy was called back to duty and they temporarily moved to Florida) Then Tom Tom took me to all of the Goodwill's from there back to here. We had a good time and didn't get lost once! (thank goodness, I know Jon was worried, He thinks I can get myself lost backing out of the driveway!) I scored this little number for Hubsy:

And it even collapses:

I know right?! Really cool. And only 10$. So I told Jon about it and he says "Yeah but what are you gonna use?"

Today I went to the dentist and they like me sooo much they crowned me 'Miss Cavity 2009' , just kidding, I did get a crown though, just not a shinny diamondy one. After that, I went to the Swim class luncheon (Ruby Tuesday's...yummy salad bar) When I got home, I found this:

Our poor little Arizona cactus died! Rest In Peace little buddy...we're gonna miss you.

P.S. Why is everyone asking me what I'm doing to entertain myself while Jon's gone...You should know, he doesn't entertain me all that much when he IS here!


Sonny's and Siblings

So after working 20 days straight, Hubs finally got the day off (he just had to leave town to do it) Clearly he's enjoying himself! He better bring me back some cornbread!!

Nikki I'm loving the hair!


Ham it up...

So the other day in swim class, my friend Angela asked me a really hard question. She said "I've been wanting to go to Ham's to get their cookie skillet dessert, do you want to come?" Um, What?! How can you ask someone who plans dinner around the dessert, over-eats because everything is just too good and literally has SUGAR and DIET COKE coursing through her veins a question like that? (in swim class no less, cuz then I can rationalize that I totally deserve it since I work out!) Needless to say, we ended up there today for lunch. (right after my follow-up appointment with the Doctor who treats my GERD..and no I didn't tell him I was about to go and over-eat AGAIN)

We got there and it was 12 and neither of us had eaten lunch yet, so we decided we should probably eat something 'good for us' before the Gorge-Fest. So if you know me, you already know what I ordered...
Cuz Bacon cheese burgers are a perfectly balance meal.. you got your meat, grain, veggies, dairy..and of course Bacon. It goes well with EVERYTHING. Angela was better, she got a salad and a wrap. Then we got down to business and ordered the cookie skillet. They take this Cast Iron skillet and make a chocolate chip cookie in the bottom of it, put two scoops of delicious vanilla bean ice cream and some whipped cream on top...the result, Yummy Goodness. (and just so you know we shared the dessert!)Sorry, I couldn't find a picture of it on their web site. It was fun to see Mattias again too, He's such a cute little munchkin. I feel a special fondness for him, he has Baby GERD..the poor guy! (and if he thinks he's got it hard now, with just milk, wait till he gets some Pizza in his tummy...holy cow! painful!)
Anyway, that's how I spent my Friday the 13th... How 'bout you guys?


Off he goes..Into the wild blue Yonder.

Jon's Going TDY again. You know what that means...No more waking up at 3:30 to make his lunch. That's AM people, 3:30 AM! I guess I'll miss him too, But like he says "Some body's gotta work around here!"



What do Y'all think about the new background? Yea or Nah? Jon said "sure whatever" as he shuffled by on his way to the shower. So what do you guys think? Cuz you guys have to look at it... or not depending on if you come back or not!


Jon T Pants is upset!

Those of you who know Jon (or as the Hampton twins...and all of my family calls him Jon T Pants, or I sometimes call him GI Jon, Hubs, Occasionally Retarded, but mostly just Honey, His friends call him JB, some guy at work calls him Down Town Brown) Anyway,back to where I was, those of you who know Jon, know that he rarely gets upset. I've never heard him raise his voice (except to be heard over a jet) and he's never gotten mad at anything I've done (even when I break stuff, lose stuff, forget stuff or buy stuff) But now, Jon is upset, mostly with the readers of this blog...Namely YOU if you're reading this!

He seldom comments on how many people read or comment on this Blog, usually doesn't even know that I've updated it until I force him to read my latest Post (which I always claim is 'the best one EVER') Until the Redbull Post. He LOVED it. (I think only because his favorite toy was the star of it) He said it was well written, (huge compliment to me..thanks) funny and just an all round perfect Post. So when we only got one comment on it, he was very disappointed. (he's actually mentioned it several times now and for him to bring it up more then once, I know he's unhappy)

Being in LOVE with the readers of this Blog...Namely YOU and also in Love with him, leaves me stuck in the middle! So I was thinking that maybe some of you could spare a minute or two and add a comment onto it...it would sure make Hubsy happy and if Hubsy is happy, I'm Happy! Then we will see this...


This is my new favorite blog...

She makes some really cute stuff! Though I haven't made any of the things she shows (on account of I'm being lazy..look people, unlimited-time-on-your-hands is harder then you think!) Anyway, You guys should check it out.


Wanna be a winner too?

Guess what people I won...I actually won something!! And you can too. Here's the dealeo, Jamie made this proposition to her readers (and blog stalker that I am, I totally wanted in on this..so I commented and I won..yeah) here's what she said:

A Gift for you....
The first five people to respond to this post will get something made by me, Jamie. My choice. For you.
This offer does have some restriction & limitations:
1 - I make no guarantees that you will like what I make.
2 - What I create will be just for you.
3 - It will be done by the end of March.
4 - You have no clue what it is going to be. It may be a story. It may be poetry or an article on properly cleaning your face before a masque. It may be an autographed photo. I may bake something and mail it to you. Who knows? Not you, that's for sure!
The catch? Oh, the catch is that you must repost this on your blog and offer the same to the first 5 people to do so and leave a comment telling me you did it. Then you will win a fabulous homemade gift made by me! Oh, and be sure to post a picture of what you win when you get it!!
Leap of faith people... Let's have some fun!! (I am a good cook, I know how to crochet pot scrubbers and make purses out of plastic bags. The possibilities are endless! ;) )

So there you have it, I ( in the winners circle) am going to offer the same thing (since I'm sooo cool too) to the first 5 commenters on this post. And seeing as how I have an unlimited supply of time on my hands, you're gonna totally get something REALLY COOL! (at least my standards of cool that is) Or if you wanna live on the edge, Jon could make you something. (good luck with that though!)** FYI if you make it to the winners circle, you gotta be prepared to share the love as well!** Good luck pep, I hope the Force is with you!

Year Number Two.

Scroll down to see the 2nd Anniversary post! (for some reason it's not in the right order)