
More Free Stuff from Oprah

So Oprah's 'Best Life' week has been really good.(The spiritual one yesterday wasn't all that great though...but we won't get into that) Today she had Suze Orman on the show and she is offering FREE Suze's new book....FREE PEOPLE...You have one week to go on Oprah.com and download it. This way we can all be money savvy this year.


Unknown said...

I was hoping that you say that! By the way, Time Warner just added Bravo Tv to my lineup. Just when I figured out how to watch it on my computer!

nurselynn said...

I saw a commercial last night for today's (Friday) Oprah show. Can't wait to see what you have to post about that one! And what FREE stuff she will offer!!!

Da Browns said...

No free stuff for the sex 101 show! I know bummer right?! and no I won't Post about it!