
Jon T Pants is now the Big 35!

Even though Jon's Birthday was on the 23rd, We celebrated it in a big way last night. (I made the cake and hid it from him so he couldn't see it...I think he liked it) The Hamptons had us all over for an awesome steak dinner, Mom and Jerry, Gramma and even the Elders were there. It was a fun time, I think Jon was most excited by the dollar store gifts the boys got for him, then proceeded to play with! Or maybe it was when Colin blew out the candles on the cake for him!

Quinn, Liam and Colin all LOVE their uncle Jon T Pants!

1 comment:

Maursupial said...

Looks like you guys had a lot of fun. It also looks like he survived the dreaded 35. I'm hoping to do the same in a few weeks. YUCK.