
Jon's been busy on his time off.

For Valentine's Day, Jon got me a new faucet for the kitchen..
He also painted the Mantle Black and cleaned up the bricks...
And today he drilled some holes in the logs and put in some candles...

Now he just needs to paint in inside of the fire place!!


Ice VS Snow in NC

This is Ice...

It came down as frozen sleet...
We got 2 inches of Ice the weekend before last, It started up Friday night and by Saturday Morning we were stuck, EVERYTHING was shut down for three days. No Work & No Church... for the brave/stupid (however you want to look at it) Wal-Mart was open, but that was about it. It was so cold outside that the Ice couldn't melt and the little bit that did would just freeze back over that night. So we stayed inside until Monday afternoon, when we finally got called to go back into work. Jon went out and scrapped off the cars and cleared the steps. (it was like a skating rink out there..Only Jon's not so graceful!! He fell and landed on his bum and hit his head. (too bad I missed it!)

Here's Jon with a crowbar and a hammer trying to chip away at the 2 inches of solid ice on the back steps, so we could go to work on Monday.

This is Snow...

This Saturday, we got 4 inches of nice, powdery, easily meltable Snow. Unfortunately, nothing shut down, so I had to go to work that morning.



Today is my Grandma's 88th Birthday...And it's also Bubba's 27th Week of making me FATTER THEN EVER...I should NEVER have taken this picture!! HOLY COW! (Literally!)

(I look like I'm slouched over, cuz Jon said ' Don't stick it out!'....but I totally wasn't!! So I slouched.)